About JMan - JMan Seminars

About JMan Seminars

My speaking career began when I was 8 years old……

I quite often joke that my speaking career began 31 years ago when I was the ring announcer for my third-grade elementary school circus but it’s mostly true. It was that first public speaking experience that started me down the path to be the speaker that I am today. It wasn’t for the reasons that most people might think, however. It was the happiness we were able to bring to people in that moment and knowing we were able to have a positive effect on their life. It’s the same reason we chose real estate as a career and decided to become a speaker/trainer for many different industries. We are not just a “tech trainer”, we are here to make a difference in your life and effect real change in the industry. Our vision is to make the industry better by raising the bar of professionalism, helping agents provide better service to their past, existing and future clients by enhancing their level of tech savviness and make sure that everyone has fun while they do it.

We believe that every human being has the ability to learn and adapt new technology into their business. It doesn’t matter their age, their “generation” or how tech savvy they perceive themselves to be. The old adage that you can’t teach old dog’s new tricks is false because this young cat has some old tricks up his sleeve. I will help you get out of your own way. My wife and I have two boys and live in my hometown of Rochester, NY. We have an almost 8 year old named Antonio aka A.J. & almost 3 year old Valentino. A.J. is 8 going on 38 and will probably take over his daddy’s speaking business someday but he will probably be partnering up with his younger brother who is also a character (No clue where they got that from). You can see them costarring in many of my video promotions. In my spare time, I can be seen enjoying the great outdoors and I might have a bit of an obsession for obstacle course racing. My team “Rochester United” and I were featured on NBC’s show Spartan-Ultimate Team Challenge. It was this experience that helped create some of my best keynotes like “6 second legacy”, “Feed the Wolf” and “The Greatest Show on Earth”. It was truly life changing. There is nothing that I do half way and my passion can be seen in all facets of my life. We think of ourselves as a thought leader, boat rocker, outside the boxer, fear crusher, perspective swapper, career maker, video master, quality of life enhancer and change agent. If you are looking for just another tech trainer, I AM NOT THE ONE.

Favorite Quote:

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it.

Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion.

Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare.

Impossible is potential.

Impossible is temporary.

Impossible is nothing.
